Media Items for Tracy Higley

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Newest Release – November 2022:

Click here for hi-res version of book cover: Nightfall in the Garden of Deep Time – cover
You’re invited…
to a timeless party in a Secret Garden.
Expect to come back transformed.
Kelsey Willoughby doesn’t have time to pursue her dream of writing a novel. Imagination doesn’t pay the bills, and she’s busy saving her beautiful bookshop from online competition, hotel developers, and the sneaking suspicion that nobody reads anymore.
Not to mention all those voices telling her she doesn’t have talent.
But then the vacant lot of weeds next door starts to shimmer.
When Kelsey stumbles into a luminous nighttime garden party, larger than the vacant lot that holds it and filled with enigmatic guests, she suspects they hold the key to saving the bookshop, and perhaps even to her own mysterious origins.
But answers aren’t forthcoming, not until Kelsey is willing to confront her past, step into her potential, and push deeper into the unknown edges of the garden, where an unexpected journey takes her into a world of dangerous revelation.
~With evocative prose and a deeply-embedded mystery, the magical realism of Nightfall in the Garden of Deep Time immerses readers in a delicious adventure of creativity and the arts. A must-read for anyone pursuing a creative life.
Short Bio:
Tracy Higley has been attempting to time travel through the pages of books since she was a child. She started her first story at the age of eight, and has since authored nearly twenty books, including the Seven Wonders Series, and the Time Travel Journals of Sahara Aldridge. She earned a Master’s Degree in Ancient and Classical History, and has traveled to Egypt, Greece, Jordan, Israel, Italy, and Turkey, researching her books and falling into adventures.
Long Bio:
Tracy’s dream of novel-writing started at the age of eight, and she hasn’t stopped writing since. She still has her first “real” novel—the story she began during a family trip to New York City—in a series of spiral notebooks.
Through her childhood she wrote short stories, plays for her friends to perform (sometimes she had to bribe them), and even started an elementary school newspaper. Then there were the drama years of junior high, when she filled a blank journal with pages of terrible poetry.
In her adult years she got serious about publishing fiction, and has since authored nearly twenty novels, and been recognized as a finalist in the Christy Awards, the Carol Awards, the ECPA Book of the Year Awards, and has won the Faith, Hope, and Love Reader’s Choice Award.
When she’s not writing, life is full of other adventures. Tracy has earned a Master’s Degree in Ancient History, raised four kids, built a shipping and logistics company, and traveled to Greece, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Italy, and Turkey, researching her books and falling into adventures.
She’s is currently passionate about landscaping around her three acres of woodlands, reading good books (by a crackling fire in cold weather, outside near her pond & waterfall in warm weather), and traveling the world.
Possible Interview Topics:
- How to create a novel out of your internal world of joy
- How can we overcome obstacles to create imaginative portals for others?
- Why do all artists, no matter their gifting, struggle to bring their work to the world?
- How to balance writing with the rest of life
- How to pursue a creative dream
- The fiction-writing process; specifics on how to write a novel (Plot, Character, Setting, Theme, etc.)
To contact Tracy regarding written or podcast interviews or speaking engagements, please use the Connect link above.